November is over, and another 133 Americans are dead in Iraq. This number will probably increase in the next three or four days because of delays in Defense Department reporting..
One of the questions I've been asked in the last month more than once revolves around whether or not all Christians are right-wing jackasses, and if not, why don't we.
Regular reader Kat points out that someone has finally stood up to the greatest menace afflicting the University of Washington community; those goddamn Larouchies. Photos here, discussion here. It is possible that.
A poll about the Supreme Court yields typical findings: The survey found that 59 percent of respondents said they favor choosing a nominee who would uphold Roe v. Wade, while 31 percent.
I can't decide if Ampersand at Alas, A Blog is a saint for the time and patience he devotes to refuting bad anti-SSM arguments put forth in various quarters of the.
I mentioned recently the unlikely but true fact that Van Halen could replace David Lee Roth and wind up with replacements that got exponentially worse. Well, should the NYT follow.
From David Edelstein's review of Alexander: Please understand the source of my vitriol: I consider Stone's Natural Born Killers to be, hands down, the worst movie ever made—and not the worst.
I've been falling into the bad habit of not bringing reading material to the gym, which leads to dangerous things--namely, prolonged exposure to Lou Dobbs tonight on CNN. This toxic.
- I’m not sure that Trump’s crypto business is on the level
- Evil garden gnome Ron DeSantis won’t talk to Harris or Biden about that little ‘ol hurricane
- Call Her Daddy
- Supreme Court allows Texas to nullify federal law, deny women emergency medical treatment
- A Year On
- The free state of Florida
- Milton update (bad weather and bad politics)
- Erik Visits an American Grave, Part 1,721
- Donald Trump’s severe cognitive decline
- NFL Open Thread: 2 upsets and 2 QBs edition