Although Columbus Day has its roots in 19th century secular fantasy -- specifically, an odd blend of Anglo-American nationalism and Italian-American ethnic pride -- since the Nixon administration the second.
According to several of my students, today marks "Drink as Much Beer as Possible Day." Among the various alcohol-themed holidays, the legitimacy of this one appears to hover somewhere below.
Tom Hilton observes the occasion. Now, I consider myself something of an expert on weird holidays -- tomorrow is Hobbit Day and Elephant Appreciation Day, by the way -- but.
I meant to post this yesterday, but I was remiss.Today and tomorrow are Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year. I won't be posting as I will be observing and doing.
I almost forgot it was Bastille Day. There's still time to, like, destroy a prison or something. Just don't cut anyone's head off and parade it around on a pike,.
Today, we celebrate the women who grunted us into being, nourished us to maturity, soothed our wounds, comforted us in sickness, confiscated our drugs, embarrassed us in front of friends,.
Season's Greetings.