2008 democratic primary
Nice job by Kevin K. taking on the argument recently being advanced by people who either need some excuse to discuss John Edwards's sex life or to excuse their dismal.
Some explanation for my off the cuff remark about energy policy. Here's why I'm not sold on focusing on energy policy as a centerpiece of the electoral strategy. I think.
In response to Dan, channeling James Fallows:The Clinton team doesn't worry about hurting Obama's prospects of winning in the fall, because they assess those prospects at zero. Always have. Obama.
Verbatim Ferraro:As for Reagan Democrats, how Clinton was treated is not their issue. They are more concerned with how they have been treated. Since March, when I was accused of.
America's least beloved circus clown continues to bring the high level of intelletcual rigor he brought to his defenses of Joe Lieberman against actual Democrats to the Clinton campaign. As.
With due respect to the residents of our not-quite-a-51st-state, Barack Obama shouldn't be spending either a nickel or a minute on the Puerto Rican primary. Illinois, Connecticut, New York, New.
Evidently, Clinton using the civil rights and suffragist movement to defend her attempts to count the North Korean Michigan not-even-a-straw-poll is beyond appalling. But nonetheless, I can't agree with Isaac.
Check out especially the interview with a coal miner about 2:15 in:The white people has put the negroes in the back of the bus for years, and if we're not.