2008 democratic primary
I predict that if Barack Obama wins a double digit victory in Kentucky today, Senator Clinton will concede. Judging solely by conversation with my small group of Lexington friends, this.
I think Bob Beckel is correct here; if Clinton wants the VP slot and displays a willingness to fight for it, she'll get it. While I doubt that Clinton would.
Armando requests a more detailed argument about why it would not be irrational for Obama to choose someone other than Clinton for his running mate. (And let me be clear:.
MoDo seems regretful that she will have less reason (at least outside the context of blind dates) to snigger about Bill Clinton's sex life. But she holds out faint hope.
Matt says that while Clinton's assertions about the importance of her greater appeal to "working, hard-working Americans, white Americans" are "one part fallacy, two parts baseless speculation" they're not "offensive.".
In assessing a potential unity ticket, Mark Schmitt says:Obama is in many ways the most plain-spoken liberal to win the Democratic nomination since Walter Mondale. But while Clinton is probably.
Shorter Verbatim Hillary Clinton: "I have a much broader base to build a winning coalition on...Sen. Obama's support among working, hard-working Americans, white Americans, is weakening again, and how whites.
Chuckle....Speaking for me only.