Grounded: The Case for Abolishing the United States Air Force
This page serves as a one-stop collection for material associated with Grounded: The Case for Abolishing the United States Air Force.
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Social Media
Abolish the Air Force. The American Prospect, November 2007
- What’s the Air Force For? The American Prospect, November 2007 (David Axe, John Noonan, Noah Shachtman, Michael Goldfarb, Sharon Weinberger)
American Does Not Need the Air Force, August 12, 2013, Medium: War is Boring
- Actually, America Does Need an Air Force, Medium: War is Boring (Response by Michael Bob Starr)
- Since When Does the Air Force Have a Monopoly on Airpower?, August 26, 2013, Medium: War is Boring (Response to Michael Bob Starr)
- Why America Needs the Air Force, Breaking Defense (Response by Michael Auslin)
Ground the Air Force? Revising the Future of Flight, December 18, 2013, Foreign Affairs
- Off Target, January 8, 2014, Foreign Affairs (Response by Robert Spalding)
- This Is Why People Don’t Trust the Air Force with Airpower, Medium: War is Boring (Response to Robert Spalding)
- The U.S. Air Force for Dummies, January 20, 2014, The National Interest (Response by Adam Lowther)
- The Real Problem with the U.S. Air Force, January 27, 2014, The National Interest (Response to Adam Lowther)
- The U.S. Air Force for Dummies, Part II, February 25, 2014, The National Interest (Response by Adam Lowther)
Opinion: Abolish the Air Force, Aviation Week and Space Technology, July 31, 2014
- Opinion: No Air Force? No Way!, Aviation Week and Space Technology, August 25, 2014 (Response by Charles Blanchard and Norton Schwartz)
- Opinion: How Airpower Discussions Are Warped, Aviation Week and Space Technology, September 1, 2014 (Response by Bill Sweetman)
Grounded: The Case for Abolishing the United States Air Force, John Barnhill, Army Press, December 2015
Plaw on Farley, ‘Grounded: The Case for Abolishing the United States Air Force’, Avery Plaw, H-Net, December 2014
Grounded: The Case for Abolishing the United States Air Force, Charles Blanchard, Lawfare, July 20, 2014
Grounded: The Case for Abolishing the United States Air Force, Kevin Z. Holzimmer, Air Force Research Institute, July 2014
Professional Reading List Review, Aleisha Jenkins-Bey, Defense Acquisition Research Journal, July 2014
Wherefore the Air Force? A Review of Robert Farley’s “Grounded” , Srdjan Vucetic, CIPS Blog, June 24, 2014
Grounded: The Case for Abolishing the United States Air Force, LTC Tom Cooper (USAF), Air Power History (Summer 2014).
Book Review – Grounded: the Case for Abolishing the United States Air Force, May 26, 2014, Jeong Lee,
Grounded: The Case for Abolishing the United States Air Force, May 21, 2014, Dr. Steve “Wilbur” Wright
(Deputy Commandant, School of Advanced Air and Space Studies), Air Force Research Institute.
‘Grounded’ Presents Case for Eradicating U.S. Air Force, April 27, 2014, J.W. Thacker, Park City Daily News
Why America Needs an Independent Air Force, February 26, 2014, War on the Rocks (Colonel Scott D. Campbell, Captain Charles L. Cashin III, Captain William J. Parker III, Colonel Robert S. Spalding III and Charles E. Berger)
The Independent Air Force Is a Mistake, Kyle Mizokami, War is Boring.
Associated Articles
The Israeli B-52 Is a Terrible Idea, War is Boring, April 14, 2014
Airpower Over Asia, The Diplomat, April 5, 2014
No, F-22s Can’t Save Ukraine, War is Boring, April 2, 2014
Let’s Argue over the Politics of Independent Air Forces, War is Boring, March 10, 2014
The Air Force’s Defenders Can’t Fly, Adam Elkus, February 26, 2014, Rethinking Security
Let’s Kick the Air Force Out of Space, Max Lord and Robert Farley, October 31, 2013, Medium: War is Boring
It’s Time to Abolish the Air Force, James Carroll, January 6, 2014, Boston Globe
Columnist Argues for Abolishing Air Force, Jeff Schogol, January 12, 2014, Army Times
Airpower Book Reviews
Thomas Wildenberg, Billy Mitchell’s War with the Navy
Eric Schlosser, Command and Control
Christopher Rein, The North African Air Campaign
Richard Overy, The Bombing War
John Andreas Olsen (ed), A History of Air Warfare
John Andreas Olsen (ed), Global Air Power
C.R. Anderegg, Sierra Hotel
Vincent Orange, Bomber Champion
Robin Higham (ed), The Influence of Airpower Upon History
Dan Hampton, Viper Pilot
Grant Hammond, Mind of War
Martin van Creveld, Age of Airpower
Mark Clodfelter, Beneficial Bombing
Peter Gray, The Leadership, Direction, and Legitimacy of the RAF Bomber Offensive
War Room: US Army War College, November 28, 2017
War College, June 16, 2016
The Buterverse, September 3, 2014
Global Connections Television, July 28, 2014
The Diplomat, April 11, 2014
Bloggingheads: Foreign Entanglements w/Matt Duss, April 10, 2014
Bloggingheads: Foreign Entanglements w/ Adam Lowther, March 22, 2014
Wisconsin Public Radio, April 3, 2014
Weekend Edition, March 9, 2014
Midrats, March 9, 2014
Here and Now, WBUR, January 21, 2014
Huffpo Live, November 22, 2013
Bloggingheads: Foreign Entanglements w/ Lien-Hang T. Nguyen, January 28, 2014
Bloggingheads: Foreign Entanglements w/ Daniel Larison, November 7, 2014
Chase Cavanaugh, WUKY, February 22, 2014
Air and Space Magazine, September 2015 (web)