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I realize we've been piling on a bit in regard to Yale Law School's finest here at LGM, but come on: https://twitter.com/RpsAgainstTrump/status/1816677033423892770 If the first rule of national electoral politics is, "don't be weird, in a way that will turn off the normie Ariana Grande...

Poor Things

In General
On July 26, 2024
Poor Thing "Poor Things" is one of the most weird, surreal, and gorgeous films I've ever seen. Touching on themes of what it means to be a woman in an oppressive society, what it means to be human, what it means to live without means,...

Rising to the occasion

In General
On July 25, 2024
Kamala Harris was always going to be the Democratic nominee if Joe Biden stepped down when he did -- no other candidate was going to assemble a majority in three weeks -- but it was not inevitable that it would go as smoothly as it...
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