world war ii
Just wanted to alert people to this excellent collection of anti-venereal disease propaganda from World War II over at Sociological Images. Lisa Wade's larger point is to explore the virgin/whore.
After reading the piece about Fort Hunt in today's WaPo, I'm going to propose a new rule for wingnuts: All efforts to recruit the historical legacy of the "greatest generation".
This has got to be a joke.The most creative way to use a cat as a weapon happened in World War II. The United States’ OSS (Office of Strategic Services,.
Patrick Di Justo unearthed a 1943 Army handbook for US soldiers stationed in Iraq. Highlights: NEVER discuss religion or politics or women with Moslems. Don't stare at anyone. Remember the.
In comments, Bistroist points out that the wreck of the Led... er, Graf Zeppelin has been found. Graf Zep was Germany's first effort at building an aircraft carrier (Seydlitz was.
On a subject completely unrelated to Israel and Lebanon...I didn't care for the National World War II Memorial, and I'm a big fan of World War II. One commenter suggested.
Eszter Hargittai commemorates the end of Hungary's involvement in World War II, 60 years ago today. Hungary, like many nations around the world, has yet to come to terms with.