Around the turn of the twelfth century the Counts of Scheyern acquired Wittelsbach Castle, a fortress not terribly far from Augsburg. By the mid-twelfth century the family had relocated to.
The Hohenzollern are first mentioned in the eleventh century. Holding lands in southern Germany and the Black Forest, the family slowly expanded its territory until it acquired Brandenburg in 1415..
The Treaty of Versailles limited the German navy to vessels of 10000 tons or less. The intention was to prevent Germany from constructing any ships larger than coastal defense vessels,.
In comments, Bistroist points out that the wreck of the Led... er, Graf Zeppelin has been found. Graf Zep was Germany's first effort at building an aircraft carrier (Seydlitz was.
Part I of a four part Jutland Series, in honor of the 90th anniversary of the Battle of Jutland.German shipbuilding was deeply affected not only by the construction of Dreadnought,.
SMS Schleswig-Holstein was the fourth of the Deutschland class, the last pre-dreadnought battleships built by Germany. The Deutschland's were authorized by Admiral Alfred Von Tirpitz' Fleet Acts, designed to provide.

SMS Ostfriesland was the second ship of the Helgoland class, the second group of German dreadnoughts. Germany had been taken aback by the construction of HMS Dreadnought and HMS Invincible..
Tirpitz was the final result of forty (interrupted) years of German battleship design. In construction she was very similar to her sister Bismarck, although slightly larger and with a few.