Sully is having a real hard time. He's not an idiot, meaning that he can't believe that the project in Iraq is going well. On the other hand, he's arrogant.
One of Juan Cole's finest: President Bush said Tuesday that the Iraqis are refuting the pessimists and implied that things are improving in that country. What would America look like if.
Paperwight does a damn fine job of pointing out how all of the above are a better use of time than trying to answer the specific charges of right wing.
I am pleased to note that the fine folks at W.W. Norton sent me a copy of the 9/11 commission report, unsolicited but welcomed. In addition, Phillip Roth's new novel The.
This little item from Kos is interesting, and gives me an excuse to relate a dream I recently. In the dream, I was lazing about the house one morning, and.
Circumstantial evidence suggests that The Ethicist(tm) might be listening to my advice (or Paperwight). Still, I'm not in the mood to be terribly magnanimous. The first two "corrections" offered this week deal with.
Apparently we've decided that Cuba doesn't have an offensive bio-weapon program. Considering that they've been sitting off the coast of Florida for forty-three years and haven't attacked yet, I'm not convinced.
Laura Rozen excerpts a Salon interview with Sy Hersh: Jacoby: Is there someone who is the Henry Kissinger in this administration? Hersh: Oh, believe me, I pray for one [clasps.
- The bad kind of Bourbon
- Survivors
- Erik Visits an American Grave, Part 1,703
- Marianne Williamson Makes it Worse
- Thursday night football etc. open thread
- Tester is Toast
- Trump refuses to do another debate
- Running Higher Education Like a Business
- Terrible Person Leaves Planet
- Matt Taibbi: Mister Trump, whom I do not support, won the debate and the media is lying about it