In 1921, British support helped raise a capable, 43 year old Brigadier General named Reza Khan to prominence on the Persian political scene. Reze Khan had performed well as head.
In the late thirteenth century, the son of the slave of an Abyssinian cheiftain deposed the last king of the Zagwe dynasty and married the king's daughter. Yekuno Amlak claimed.
The House of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen came into existence in 1576 as the result of one of many splits within the original House Hohenzollern. Unlike their more famous Franconian cousins, the Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen.
Around the turn of the twelfth century the Counts of Scheyern acquired Wittelsbach Castle, a fortress not terribly far from Augsburg. By the mid-twelfth century the family had relocated to.
In the wake of the Reconquista, Muslims and Jews fleeing Spain found their way in numbers to what would become modern Tunisia. A struggle for control between Spain and Turkey.
The area now known as modern Finland came into the Swedish Christian orbit in the 13th century. Ethnically and linguistically distinct from Western Scandinavia, the Finns Christianized late and did.
In the wake of the Mexican War of Independence, General Agustin de Iturbide came to power as head of Mexico's new ruling junta. Originally an officer in the Spanish Army,.
The House of Osman began as one of many small noble families that ruled the Turkic peoples during their migration west around the end of the first millenia CE. The.