The Indian Navy is currently operating Viraat, a 48 year old former British carrier. To rectify this, they recently purchased a twenty year old Russian carrier. Unfortunately:Russia’s main military shipyard.
Matt writes, in respone to David Axe's suggestion that F-22s ought to be unleashed against Indian or British aggressor squadrons:Uh huh. But think about that. Why would the US Air.
The modern state of Jammu was created in 1820 by Rajit Singh, Maharajah of a Sikh kingdom in Punjab. A kingdom had existed in Jammu since ancient times, as in.
F-16s flying against Su-30s? My heart beats faster...Cope India 2002 focused on airlift operations. The 2004 joint exercise involved F-15s and a variety of Indian aircraft, including SU-30s. The surprising.