north korea
Much of the blogosphere is astir with discussion of the Israeli strike into Syria. Initial speculation suggested that the attack targeted a Syrian weapons shipment to Hezbollah. According to this.
Peter Howard has a sober appraisal of the the North Korean weapons-to-Ethiopia deal:The Administration has identified both counter-terrorism and counter-proliferation as vital national security interests. But when they happen to.
Ed Morrisey tries to put lipstick on a pig:Context remains important here, which both Reed and the Times fail to consider. Intelligence is not an exact science, and conclusions have.
I assume that Rob may have more to say about this, but in the meantime allow me to point out that the Bush administration's foreign policy can be summed up.
Interview in the Frankfort State Journal. They seem to have printed the complete transcript of the tape recording; apparently I need to add more punctuation when I speak. I'm also.