I've been reluctant to comment further on the Israeli strike on Syria, because I still don't really understand what happened. As Kevin Drum notes, this appears to be a common.
I really don't know what to think about the airstrike on Syria at this point. The allegations regarding Syria's nuclear program seem to be getting increasingly detailed. Peter at Duck.
I have an article up at TAP about the latest verbal brawl between the US and Russia over the proposed missile defense bases in Poland and the Czech Republic.
This is kind of interesting; I open up Fox News and find a front page article on a threatening new Russian ICBM that's apparently capable of defeating any US missile.
The Times has the details on the deal. Essentially, the US and the five party group will be trading electricity, fuel oil, food, and some diplomatic goodies for a verifiable.
Dan Nexon has a good response to my article on Iranian nuclear diplomacy:First, if Iran does achieve an effective nuclear deterrent that might, in fact, make it easier for Iran.
I have a piece up at TAP on nuclear diplomacy and the Iranian nuclear program.
Shorter Benny Morris:Iran will inevitably use its nuclear weapons to destroy Israel, even if it doesn't use its nuclear weapons to destroy Israel.I wish there was more to it than.