When I had my horse grave post the other day, someone mentioned Morris the Cat. I looked and saw he was just buried in his owner's backyard. But then I.
I'm not very comfortable asking the internets for money. This is probably why I've resisted implementing a Patreon or Patreon-like service for Whiskey & IR Theory – even though it.
Earlier in this series, I posted one of the bizarre General Motors producted short animal films used as shorts before feature films (I think). It's time to revisit this series,.
So....tonight's entry is perhaps a bit disturbing. Basically, in the 1940s, General Motors made a bunch of short films concerning animals doing funny things. I'm not real sure where they.
Do you need a multi-part history of cat litter, written by a historian? Actually, yes you do and this is very good. Just one excerpt, on where the heck cat.
Happy 200th Birthday birthday Karl Marx! Welcome to the Internet! I need to start this post by qualifying that I do not identify as a Marxist, even if I am.
Once upon a time in 2013, an IR grad student finally lost it. Or at least, that's how I choose to view these. Don't correct me. The International Relations As.
We returned home to a cat who had been cruelly and capriciously denied access to the shower. But let it not be said that we are deaf to cries for.