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Author: Dan Nexon

Dan Nexon is a Professor of Government and Foreign Service at Georgetown University. You can read all about the gory details of his academic work at https://www.dhnexon.net
Photo by Adonyi Gábor, via Pexels I've only been blogging here for eight years. I haven't been very active lately, and yes I feel like I "picked the wrong week to start posting again." But I've been reader and sometimes commentator since practically the beginning. I've...

Midnight in the Ivy Garden

On April 27, 2024

SWinxy, CC BY-SA 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0, via Wikimedia Commons No one, at least to my knowledge, has been more consistently thoughtful — and therefore insightful — about the current "crisis" on.


Conditioning Aid to Israel

In israel
On April 13, 2024
Syria, as seen from the Golan Heights. Photo by author. The New York Times gets it right. The administration has tried many forms of pressure and admonition, including public statements, reported expressions of frustration and U.N. Security Council resolutions. None of them, so far, have...

Grifty MacGriftFace

In Trump
On April 1, 2024
CNN: That long-delayed deal was completed last week, paving the way for Trump Media to receive an influx of approximately $300 million in cash. The company can now use those funds to pay down debt and, importantly, build out its infrastructure.“I believe the $300 million...
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