. . . instead, I'm hosting the latest installment of the History Carnival at my other property.Drop by and click a few links. It's all good -- except for the.
Don Surber: "[Mitch McConnell] was the guy who not only opposed McCain-Feingold, but took it to court. Unfortunately, the first woman Supreme Court justice ignored the First Amendment and upheld.
Shorter Verbatim Grover Norquist: "Bob Sherwood's seat would have been overwhelmingly ours, if his mistress hadn’t whined about being throttled." Yeah, what a tragedy that these moral giants no longer.
Last month, a Chinese Song class diesel electric submarine approached, apparently undetected, to within 5 nautical miles of the USS Kitty Hawk, well within both missile and torpedo range. The.
Thanks to this review, everyone can rededicate themselves to perhaps the most important cause in post-election conservative politics -- beating the shit out of Jimmy Carter.I haven't read Carter's new.
As you would expect, it takes Glenn Reynolds to really push the Green Lantern Theory of Geopolitics to sublime heights of lunacy. Does the deteriorating situation in Iraq prove, say,.
Amy Sullivan's recent article celebrating anti-choice Colorado SenatorGovernor-elect Bill Ritter makes some arguments that allow me to clarify some of my difficulties with "centrist" arguments about abortion. First of all,.
This has to be one of the more inept commentaries I've seen in some time, which -- beyond explaining why it appeared in the Weekly Standard -- also likely explains.
- Another Kennedy Killing
- How to stand up to unconstitutional bullying
- Cult of personality
- The Trumpcession
- Gavin Newsom acknowledges that rootless cosmopolitans have too much influence on German finance
- The Ever Brave Democratic Caucus
- The incredible further shrinking of Little Marco
- Trump revoking legal status of 240,000 Ukrainian war refugees
- Government by chaos, cnt’d
- In speech televised across Europe, Macron warns continent to prepare for war with Russia