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Author: Melissa Byrnes


Solidarity Redux

In General
On May 31, 2024
Left: Rally at the place de la République in Paris on 15 November 2015 (Credit: Citron / CC-BY-SA-3.0). Right: Protest at the place de la République in Paris on 28 May 2024 (Credit: Geoffroy VAN DER HASSELT / AFP). My very first post on this...
"Together against our broken systems," BLM poster, Paris, Batignolles, June 2020 (Langladure, Wikimedia Commons) So, apparently, we've endangered the French Republic. "We" here is US academics who talk about race. And "endanger" seems to mean that the idea that racism needs to be taken seriously...

Facing Freedom

On May 16, 2020

French President Emmanuel Macron wears a patriotic face mask to speak with schoolchildren (AP photo/Ian Langsdon) First off, hello! How’s everyone doing? It’s been awhile. I made a tiny human.


Doubling Down on the Terror

In General
On August 4, 2019
Jonathan Macintosh, 2009 As if the last 24 hours haven't been horrific enough, Slate and CNN bring us this headline: "El Paso Shooting Victims Might Avoid Hospitals Due to Immigration Status." And this is where we see US state terror actively aiding and abetting the...
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