Doubling Down on the Terror

As if the last 24 hours haven’t been horrific enough, Slate and CNN bring us this headline: “El Paso Shooting Victims Might Avoid Hospitals Due to Immigration Status.”
And this is where we see US state terror actively aiding and abetting the terrorist gunman and what appears to be his white supremicist agenda.
From Slate:
People who need help after the mass shooting at a Walmart in El Paso, Texas, may not seek it out because of their immigration status, authorities fear. “This is a concern,” Juliette Kayyem, a former assistant secretary of the Homeland Security Department, told CNN. “It’s clear there’s people who are not unifying with their family and that there are people they’re worried are injured that did not go to hospitals likely because of their immigration status.”
It’s not that we needed more evidence that this is systemic: racism is embedded as deeply in state policy as in social and cultural acts, rituals, and conversations.
“Lone wolves” do not act in lockstep with the reigning regime. Zealots and militants do.