health care
It should be abundantly clear to any regular readers that I am not one to criticize the S-CHIP reauthorization effort. That remains unchanged. But what I do think is worthy.
Just so the consequences of Bush's veto of S-CHIP are 100% clear: it's not just that kids who need health insurance but aren't currently covered are screwed. Kids who are.
It's a minor example among the countless ones of the Bush administration's fiscal incontinence, but the money the Bush administration is using to fund useless abstinence-only programs and useless abstinence-only.
By now we all know about Bush's politically stupid and unconscionable veto of Congress's bill expanding S-CHIP, the health care program that would cover kids whose families are not poor.
Well you can say one thing about President Bush: he's a politicker til the end. Today, as he promised, he vetoed S-CHIP, the State Child Health Insurance Program. S-CHIP is.
Ezra assesses the meaning of the fact that the United States ranks #1 in cancer survival rates, which seems likely to be adduced frequently by apologists for the indefensible American.
In addition to what Roy says, I'd like to highlight this odd part of Megan McArdle's counter to Ezra's attack on Giuliani's health plan:Moreover, as a class, the old and.
[Image Removed]Under the headline "White House Acts to Limit Health Plan for Children," I just read this gem:The Bush administration, continuing its fight to stop states from expanding the popular.