SCHIP and Republican Strategery
It seems to me that Atrios is completely right about this. I mean, what happens if this ridiculous smear campaign about the kid makes breaks mainstream? The veto is a political loser pretty much regardless, I think, but if the explanatory strategy seems quite likely to make things worse.
Roy Blunt, on CNN, just said that a family making 80,000 a year “seems like the kind of family that should be able to afford their own insurance.” Indeed. The fact that in some circumstances they aren’t is a very big part of what’s so dysfunctional about our health care system, and the middle class knows it. It seems very difficult to spin this, since the middle class people the GOP is telling are way too rich to qualify for this in many cases have some a great deal of first hand knowledge about how wrong they are.
The GOP has had some political success over the years by painting the Democrats as allies of the (heavily racially coded) poor against the middle class. Now, for reasons that I’d be hard pressed to explain, they’re painting themselves into that very same corner. What am I missing here?
(Edited for clarity)