sexual harassment
You are starting to see more workplace activism at breweries due to the horrible behavior of the white dudebros who run them. See Modern Times: The staff at Oakland’s Modern.
At this point, I just assume that most of the people whining about "cancel culture" in fact have some personal skeletons in the closet that would come out with any.
I am in America's Favorite Spring Break Paradise (TM) this week--Pullman, Washington--on a research trip. I haven't found anything particularly exciting in terms of public sharing except for a Stewart.
This is from May but I just saw it and it is a good piece putting street harassment and women dealing with it in historical context. It's not like the.

Self-defined progressive men progressive organizations are far from immune from the plague of sexual harassment and sexual assault. Rather, it's a huge problem on the job for women at progressive.
Sarah Jaffe provides the details of a story that says all too much about how too many corporations deal with sexual harassment on the job. They cover it up, try.
Sexual harassment of female workers in construction is so endemic that most who enter the field quit. It is a problem that nobody takes even close to seriously enough, including.
On March 4, 1998, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled for the plaintiff in Oncale v. Sundowner Offshore Services, deciding that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 applied.