Joe Biden
I haven't blogged much lately because I was finishing a book, then had a big family vacation thing, and am now trying to finish the other book I am hopelessly.
Biden had another of his beloved bipartisanship moments the other day when he issued a Presidential Medal of Freedom to that awful troll of a Wyoming senator, Alan Simpson. This.
Eric Rauchway is perhaps the finest working historian on the New Deal. He sees interesting parallels between Roosevelt and Biden, as this interview with Greg Sargent shows. Sargent: In the.
I was very happy to have a quite lengthy conversation with John Harwood of CNN for his story on Biden and labor. For only a couple of quotes making it.
Biden understands something important that I don't think Obama ever quite got--it's more important to have people with good political skills running things than pulling in best and the brightest.
I didn't comment on this yesterday because I was busy, among other things, doing media spots about it. But if you haven't seen Biden's speech in support of the Amazon.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs the Emergency Banking Act into law on March 9, 1933. Roosevelt signed a record 15 major pieces of legislation in the first 100 days of his.
This is a bizarre story about why Biden won the nomination. But he never wavered from his central message: that President Trump was a danger to American values, while he.