It is truly a wonder that Donald Trump is president of the United States. Former California Rep. Darrell Issa is standing by a new TV spot that repeatedly highlights the.
I am sure you will be shocked that the nation's fascist police force engaged in widescale ethnic cleansing also don't care about homophobia. A gay Mexican man has been arrested.
The good thing about doing research is finding awesome things for your writing. The bad thing is that research is kind of boring. Sometimes it's really boring. So I amuse.
Mike Enzi seems nice: Sen. Mike Enzi (R-WY) told high school students last week that a man who wears tutus to bars and gets into fights “kind of asks for.
North Carolina governor Pat McCrory's embarrassing signature of the state's transgender bathroom law is fitting for a man who has hated gay people his whole public life. McCrory has rejected.
Ted Cruz's advisers were behind the North Carolina anti-gay bill. As he worked to rally evangelical voters a week before North Carolina's March 15 primary, Ted Cruz gave a speech.
There is no excuse other than homophobia for why Michael Sam is getting shut out of the NFL.
NRO's Kevin Williamson uses the Arizona Jim Crow bill for gays to lament the courts overturning segregation in the 1950s and 1960s. Barry Goldwater, who set the great precedent for.