Interesting project here on Chicago activists creating a historical memory project for the Black Panthers work in that city, which most notably included Fred Hampton, assassinated by J. Edgar Hoover's.
On September 22, 1910, Chicago garment workers walked off the job. This strike not only was one of the key garment worker strikes of the era, but also started the.
Scene between the National Guard and Black men, Chicago Race Riot, 1919
Whites in Chicago protesting against the Martin Luther King led campaign to desegregate housing, 1966.
I recently watched the 1984 PBS production The Killing Floor, about the Great Migration and Black labor in Chicago meatpacking during World War I and leading up to the World.
There are so many amazing social movements happening at any given time that one cannot hear about all of them. Thus I am very thankful for this Guardian piece about.
On April 6, 1905, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters began a sympathy strike in support of striking clothing cutters at Montgomery Ward in Chicago. This moment significantly raised tensions in.
The Chicago Teachers Union victory is a big one in the recent strike wave. I didn't write about it much because I didn't have a lot to say that others.