
On July 8, 1966, the International Association of Machinists voted to go on strike against five major airlines. It started the following day, with 35,000 members going on strike, slowing.
Delta is far and away the worst of the major airline carriers for workers. It is the most anti-union and always has been. It's a right-wing southern company to the.
An interesting labor issue as Air France prepares to resume flights to Tehran. Will Air France female flight attendants and pilots be forced to wear headscarves as part of their.
An interesting summary of the labor tensions at Southwest, where pilots have rejected a contract that included a big pay raise. Despite what some people think however, a union is.
Victoria Vanoch's history of flight attendants and beauty is a highly readable and enjoyable history of one of the most unique sets of workers in the twentieth century United States..
This is a major win for labor: 9,000 American Airlines passenger service agents, after a 19-year struggle, joined together today in a vote with the members of the US Airways.
This has the potential to be great, if by great you mean questioning whether to ever fly again.