Ludwig van Beethoven (Wiggy to his friends), was born 245 years + 1 day ago. So there's no better time to listen Dudley Moore spoof the old boy. (And.
NPR had a fantastic story on Friday about the relationship between fracking and the cluster of earthquakes earlier this year in Arkansas. Many local residents blamed the gas companies for.
If you haven't seen Mister Trend's Random Music Observations, you really should treat yourself (the first installment is here). They're pretty much as you would expect -- pithy, one- to.
So, I've decided that Jason Isbell's Sirens of the Ditch sort of rocks. Adjust your buying habits accordingly.
Like many commenters, I have to offer a dissent from my colleague's arguments here. I don't really care about artists selling their music to advertisers, for a couple of reasons..