While conceding that Christopher Hitchens's latest unintentionally risible strawman-burning is not one of his finest efforts (myself, I can't tell the difference), Michael Totten defends his central thesis, arguing that "[t]he American.
I challenge you to try to make sense of the following out-of context quote: "Every Turks & Caicos Islander knows a Canadian" is a common saying in the Islands. Perhaps.
You know how Van Halen started with David Lee Roth, and yet somehow replaced him with a succession of lead singers who were exponentially worse? That pretty much sums up.
I don't follow the ins and outs of DOJ behavior anywhere near as closely as Matthew Yglesias probably does, so for all I know there's merit to his highly qualified defense.
Atrios is surprised that religious conservatives may not get Arlen Specter's head on a pointed stick after all. I think TAPPED's accounts are indeed persuasive. Does this mean that people.
Absolutely magnificent Howler on the subject of whether the Democrats lose because their candidates routinely sneer at middle American values: Why did this reader vote for Bush? He says the Democratic.
Several colleagues have expressed skepticism at my post-election claim that were Bush to appoint a Justice from within to fill the CJ vacancy that will almost certainly be left before.
Matt Yglesias asks a good question: My friends in the choice movement keep assuring me that the pro-choice position is overwhelmingly popular, and that it's overwhelmingly important that the Senate Democrats.