Yet another argument about abortion by William Saletan. Whether it deserves more time than Elton gave it is I suppose debatable, but I can't resist. A lot of his points.
Well, Dave Kehr called it. And it makes sense--granting that Brokeback is better described as "very, very good" than "great," it was just too good to win Best Picture in.
I swear that this post is currently the lead story at Train Wreck Media (TM) (Prof. Glenn Reynolds, co-founder):Someone else (and I regret forgetting who) has mentioned the humorous fact.
I noted last year that Harper's--within living memory an outstanding publication--has become worthless. Discouraging people from taking HIV treatments based on crackpottery straight from the pages of Spin magazine really.
The recently-discussed rape case has ended in an acquittal. The way the trail was conducted suggests that rape myths are, alas, alive and well:The verdict appalled victims' rights advocates, who.
In more positive news for film wankers, the Sundance Channel will be airing Olivier Assayas' extremely rarely screened masterpiece tonight (or, to be technical, early Saturday morning) at 1:30. It's.
This gets it about right.
I have to admit that the Artist's rendition that WorldNutDaily uncovered--complete with Fox News logo!--of Ginsburg's recent snooze is pretty funny:My preferred interpretation is that she just found out about.