general wankery
Also - mandatory fertility checks. For reasons. The boy who cried "Woke!" has identified another enemy of the American way: Black, brown and queer lefties who don't have children.Not that.
Joe Walsh decided to delete this tweet. So let's all retweet it. — Matthew Rosenberg (@AllMattNYT) July 8, 2016 The Cretinous Noise Network's response to learning a person had.
These kids today. Why, when I was a boy walking five miles uphill each way in a raging blizzard to school where I could try word processing on a Packard Bell, we had hockey pools that used nothing but total points! Not that I don't...
Thers hears it, coming from a gun counter in North Carolina:They aren't stupid, either, or we'd catch them faking the news far more frequently than we already do.I know that.
While I find Digby's logic regarding a pardon of Libby quite compelling (it seems unlikely that Bush will pay much of a price for a pardon, and it would probably.
Bloggingheads freaks out my computer, and watching Mickey Kaus freaks out my eyeballs, so I typically tend to avoid it. Apparently, however, Mickey uses his pedestal to assail Ezra, who seemed, when I met him on Wednesday, to be the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful...