
To give you a sense of where I'm coming from, here is my Cormac McCarthy preference list:1. Blood Meridian2. The Crossing3. Sutree4. The Road5. All the Pretty Horses6. Cities of.
The common nerd enjoys yarns about alien invasions and zombie uprisings. The truly dedicated nerd, however, likes to pore over the details of the public policy response to such events..
This is the first of a series of eight reviews of books on the Patterson Summer Reading List.God, this is a terrible book.You get the sense that it's bad from.
My introduction to Cicero came in a Classics class my freshman year at the University of Oregon. We read Against Verres I, an early case prosecuted by Cicero against the.
On the plane ride from London I finished Julian Jackson's The Fall of France. While I was disappointed with the first chapter, I was very pleased with the volume as.
I’ve been tagged by Daniel Nexon at Duck of Minerva. Unfortunately, it’s kind of hard for me to remember my younger years, for some reason. Nevertheless, I’ll give it a.