Never mind movies about slavery. The world will be a poorer place until there are a few about.
It appears as if my wife and I are the only two people on the face of the planet who hated Inception. She walked out about an hour and change.
Erik points out that John Hillcoat of The Proposition is set to direct Cormac McCarthy's The Road, with Viggo Mortensen starring as the father character. Like Erik, I have mixed.
I saw Charles Ferguson's documentary "No End in Sight" last night. Here's a clip: The film, unlike many other documentaries that have been made about Iraq, focuses not on the.
Huh, until I found it scrolling through a list of the year's worst films so far I had completely forgotten a picture about some kind of numerology horseshit starring Jim.
Wow, busy times around these parts this weekend. In no thanks to me. But I had a busy weekend of movie-watching, sun-enjoying relaxation. Part of this included going to see.
First things first, Ocean's Thirteen is better than its predecessor, yet not as good as the first film. Given the characteristics of the first two, it would have been deeply.
Saw Spiderman III on Saturday. Although I'm as incredulous as Scott regarding Matt's self-assessment as "usually a relatively harsh judge of films", I do think Yglesias is more or less.