The Populist Anti-Corporate Crusade of Mitch McConnell, American Populist

Mitch McConnell is FED UP with corporations trying to influence American politics and won’t take it anymore:
NEWS: #McConnell in Kentucky calls actions of #MLB, #Coke, and #Delta in opposition of Georgia voting law ‘stupid.’ ‘My warning to corporate America is to stay out of politics,’ he says. ‘I’m not talking about political contributions, he adds.— Nancy Ognanovich (@NOgnanovich) April 6, 2021
Well, with maybe one teensy little exception that happens to be his longest-standing priority as the GOP’s longtime bagman-in-chief.
In related news, now that it has become Republican orthodoxy that the voting rules in Georgia and Colorado are exactly the same — since Respectable Republican Elite “logic” is that 1)Voter ID is the only voting regulation and 2)all ID requirements are exactly the same — I look forward to full Republican support for the universal vote by mail in the For the People Act. Just raising the nation to the Colorado/Georgia standard!