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This is what happens when you have sadistic moral monsters making policy


ICE and the Trump administration deliberately conducted these raids on the first day of school, to maximize the terror they would inflict on the children whose parents were arrested for the crime of trying to provide a decent life those children. (Most of these people have been working and living in Mississippi for more than a decade).

Force yourself to watch this video all the way through:

The Christian evangelical leaders who support Trump support this. Tireless fighter for racial justice Stephen Ross supports this. Anyone who gives the Trump campaign money supports this. Many of these people also get a sexual thrill from terrorizing helpless children, because they are sadistic moral monsters.

In total, ICE agents carried out raids in six Mississippi cities, leaving outrage and despair in their wake. According to local news reports, workers suspected of being undocumented were rounded up, placed on buses, and sent to an ICE facility in Louisiana.

“Children finished their first day of school with no parents to go home to tonight,” reported the Jackson Free Press. “Babies and toddlers remained at daycare with no guardian to pick them up. A child vainly searched a workplace parking lot for missing parents.” . . .

Greisa Martínez Rosas, deputy executive director of rights group United We Dream, called the massive raids “an act of terrorism” against immigrant communities and said the “effect of ripping children from their parents at the border or stealing parents away from their children in Mississippi is the same.”

“Just days after the El Paso massacre where a gun wielding maniac parroted Trump’s anti-immigrant hate, a battalion of ICE agents abducted 680 Latinx and immigrant men and women on Trump’s orders,” tweeted Rosas. “For anyone who tries to desensitize the situation or blur the connections between the acts of terror this week I call bullshit. Latinx and immigrant kids and families have been terrorized this week.”

“It is time for both parties in Congress to stop giving ICE and [Customs and Border Protection] billions of dollars and to hold them accountable,” Rosas said. “ICE and CBP are the armed, taxpayer funded extension of Trump’s anti-immigrant hate and must be stopped.”

ICE also broke its own protocol by not informing Mississippi social services ahead of time, so agencies were left scrambling trying to find suddenly orphaned children:

More than 24 hours after 680 people were detained by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, leaving an unknown number of children separated from their parents, the agency had not made contact with the Mississippi Department of Child Protection Services.

As of Thursday morning, the state agency did not know how many children were impacted by Wednesday’s raids. 

“We’ve been up all night trying to figure this out,” said Lea Anne Brandon, MDCPS spokesperson. 

MDCPS was not notified of the raids beforehand, Brandon said, and has yet to receive any contact from ICE officials. 

Bryan Cox, ICE spokesperson, acknowledged ICE had not contacted MDCPS, saying, “Law enforcement arrests people every day who may have children.”

These are shameful and disgusting crimes, that are a permanent stain on this country. Do anything and everything you can to stop these people.

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