It turns out that ESPN finally had a point of no return for Curt Schilling. While the Worldwide Leader would suspend non ex-jocks for daring to challenge Curt Schilling’s incessant political nonsense, Schilling himself continually walked a fine line being offensive and OMFG how could one say that. Finally, he outdid himself by promoting an anti-transgender image of Facebook, which is somewhat amazing in that transgender rights are now a real enough thing that you can be fired for saying terrible things about them. Now Schilling is saying that ESPN is full of racists. Of course what he means by “racism” is “black people are allowed to talk.” Now, there’s no question that Stephen A. Smith is a blithering idiot, but of course for Schilling, that means that he’s being discriminated against. Curt Schilling is a very stupid man.
Maybe Schilling can now get back to his previous job of stealing money from the state of Rhode Island. To be fair, Rhode Island was asking for it. Just to bathe in a little bit of the Red Sox glory (talk about little brother syndrome) former governor Donald Carcieri did was Massachusetts wouldn’t, give Schilling a bunch of money for his harebrained video game company idea. It was portrayed as the economic savior of our poor state, not to mention giving us desperately needed cachet. We were begging to be ripped off, putting all of our very few eggs in this single basket. Although evidently the one game it actually produced was pretty good, it went under faster than the Titanic, leaving Rhode Island holding the bag. To be fair, Schilling himself, under the illusion that he was a competent human being, also lost millions of his own money. But the 38 Studios disaster truly is the defining moment of Rhode Island in the last decade. Here’s a review of the whole disastrous episode.
Basically, everything Curt Schilling touches turns to complete garbage. Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy. I’m just waiting for him to volunteer to pay back Rhode Island taxpayers. But of course he’s a maker so he owes nobody nothing. In fact, I’m obviously an anti-white racist for suggesting otherwise.