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Today in the Laboratories of Democracy



Republicans being Republican. First in the shitshow known as North Carolina:

Three Republicans in North Carolina’s House of Representatives have introduced a bill to reverse the Supreme Court’s marriage equality ruling in the state.

H.B. 780, reported by WNCN Tuesday, states that the Supreme Court’s ruling declaring that same-sex couples are guaranteed the right to marry overstepped the court’s constitutional bounds.

The Nullification Caucus are the nicest people.

Granted this won’t pass. On the other hand, Texas. Once again, the Lone Star State makes us wish we had lost the U.S. lost the Mexican War.

Minors in the state may be required to obtain parental approval before they can join a labor union under a proposal the Texas Senate tentatively approved along party lines Monday. (The Senate formally approved the bill Tuesday on a 20-11 vote.)

Under current state law, minors can secure most types of employment without parental consent, with a few exceptions such as acting jobs in movies and plays or soliciting goods and services.

Senate Bill 75 by state Sen. Jane Nelson, R-Flower Mound, would require parental consent for minors to join a union, but contains provisions to accommodate those who are emancipated from parents or a guardian.

“My bill preserves the rights of parents to see economic decisions,” Nelson said. In a committee hearing last month, Nelson said she filed the measure in response to concerns from a constituent whose daughter “was persuaded to join a union without fully understanding” the terms of agreement. “This bill is a parental consent bill,” she added.

Why pass this?

Between 1,500 and 2,000 minors in Texas currently belong to a local United Food and Commercial Workers chapter, a private-sector union representing baggers and clerks at grocery stores across the state, according to Anthony Elmo, the group’s communications and political director.

Republicans won’t stop until their unholy war against worker rights is won. I’m not sure this is even constitutional, but what does that matter anymore.

And really, you have to love Texas. Government in your uterus and in your union card, but no, have all the guns you want.

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