the vote fraud fraud
What Linda Greenhouse says: Progressives who are frustrated by President Obama’s failure to close the prison at Guantánamo, or who are seething over the administration’s surrender to the religious right.
The Democratic Strategist has a piece entitled "GOP Voter Suppression Scams Spreading Fast". It's mostly a discussion (and reposting) of a Washington Post op-ed by Katrina vanden Heuval. My favorite bit:.
Of course. But the point of the whole exercise was to get another apocryphal example of "voter fraud" out there for Republican vote suppressers to use as a pretext, so.
Excellent news:Earlier today, the Supreme Court effectively reversed a Sixth Circuit decision which required Ohio’s Secretary of State to implement new procedures which could purge thousands of voters from Ohio’s.
Some excellent reporting from Kate Klonick.
The Times:The Missouri legislature is, as Ian Urbina reported in The Times on Monday, on the verge of passing an amendment to the State Constitution that would require proof of.
More from Amanda Terkel.
I have more thoughts here.