soviet union
The latest guest on the LGM podcast is Stefan Link, a historian at Dartmouth, to discuss his recent book Forging Global Fordism: Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, and the Contest over.
This is the grave of Arkady Shevchenko. Born in 1930 in Horlivka, in what is today the eastern Ukraine (or at least until Putin finishes his conquest), Shevchenko grew up.
In the 1980s, the CIA realized that the only way to get Reagan to pay attention to what they were saying was to make movies for him. So they did..
The New York Times decided to go all-in on redbaiting yesterday with a supposed exposé that Bernie Sanders was supporting Soviet propaganda when he visited the country in 1988, part.
On March 17, 1921, the Kronstadt Rebellion was crushed by Soviet military forces. This moment was not only a critical one in the consolidation of the Russian Revolution, but also.
I am soon returning to East Coast Exile, reality, and regular blogging. Until then, this. 1980's Soviet Estonian TV ad for minced chicken meat by filmmaker Harry Egipt. A vegetarian's.
If the writers of LGM ever got together in the same place, I believe the alcohol consumption would look something like Soviet soldiers in Afghanistan: As it should now be.
I'm sure the KGB would like to take credit for liberation theology, planning the world's rebellions against capitalist exploitation from the Kremlin, but no one should take the claim of.