soviet union
I love that everyday Bulgarian citizens are painting over remaining Soviet-era monuments to reflect their own feelings at the time and I equally love that the Russians are really getting.
I guess I'm pretty skeptical to the above question except that this essay reinforces my belief that radical groups (and maybe everyone I guess) mostly create ideology to justify their.
Bspencer's post about animated films reminded me of the great and utterly bizarre Vladimir Tarasov 1979 animated film Shooting Range. Part of the superb Animated Soviet Propaganda DVD set, Tarasov's.
I am no expert on psychiatry. I do however have a great interest in American visions of the Soviet Union. Albert Maysles' 1955 film "Psychiatry in Russia" is a pretty.
Stalin's General: The Life of Georgy Zhukov is a new biography of Field Marshal Georgy.
"Plus Electrification" from 1972 Awesome stuff. On the other hand, propaganda about electrification was relevant in the Soviet Union in 1972.
Got to give it to the Soviets, they did not mess around in showing the consequences of unsafe workplaces. Of course, like American employers blaming workers for accidents, I have.
Very interesting.