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sexual assault

American Justice

In General
On July 23, 2012
The American justice system--where rapists who shared the pictures of the woman they raped with friends can get off with a slap on the wrist and the outraged young woman they raped faces jail time because she tweeted their names. Seriously, this is one brave,...

Did Paterno et al. Do Enough?

In General
On November 25, 2011
The answer is, in fact, perfectly obvious: But none of the principals involved here are corporate lawyers. None of them has any ethical duty of confidentiality toward Penn State and certainly not toward Sandusky. They have absolutely no ethical, moral or legal basis for not...


In General
On November 11, 2011
While the behavior of some Penn State students has been appalling, as I discussed the other day for the most part the media has been OK. But our commenters have IDed some exceptions. One glaring exception is Sally Jenkins, who asserts that Paterno should not...

Honor & Integritude!

On November 10, 2011

Shorter Verbatim Graham Spanier: "I have always acted honorably and in the best interests of the University." I...Jesus. What I said applies to his latest exercise in self-congratulation and self-exoneration..


In General
On November 6, 2011
To add to what Paul wrote below, what happened at Penn State: But the report also alleges much earlier instances of abuse and details failed efforts to stop it by some who became aware of what was happening. Another child, known only as a boy...

Fer Chrissakes

On September 30, 2011

Shorter NYPD: We could do our jobs and protect women from sexual assault. Or women could just stop wearing shorts, which I'm sure would inhibit sexual assault, since victims must.

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