reproductive justice
New Mexico is a quite blue state (very different than 2000 when it was the closest that Gore won). Being next to Texas and Oklahoma and Utah and Arizona has.
I wanted to highlight this Joy Ellison (who so happens to be joining the faculty at URI this fall and thus will be my colleague) piece on the Jane Collective..
It's not at all surprising that Texas Republicans are surprised anyone would actually take up their Stasi offer to sue anyone getting an abortion, since they assumed they could just.
Seriously.Congress is well on its way to approving four week of paid parental leave for federal employees upon the birth or adoption of a child or to care for a.
If you can ignore the truly inane comments (with your usual dose of lady-shaming and -blaming), it's worth checking out this article on the Denver Post's website, reporting on a.
Given that 7% of incarcerated women in the United States were pregnant at the time of their sentencing, it's surprising that the conditions of confinement for pregnant and birthing women.