Whenever the courts strike down a law that discriminates against a group conservatives don't like, every reactionary think and group blog must draw straws to see who gets to throw out the stale, transparently unprincipled cliches about judicial restraint. At the Heritage Foundation, the assignment...
Prop 8
I suppose this means that James Dobson will be focusing not quite so hard as usual on (messing with other people's) families. It's obviously an unfortunate thing when 200 people.
Jeffrey Rosen tries to spin the narrow passage of Prop 8 into a triumph for his prediction that In Re: Marriage would instigate a massive backlash, and he's no more.
Kevin Drum suggests that "Obama has a notable streak of temperamental caution that serves him well, but it could also betray him. Maybe he could have turned the tide against Proposition 8 in California if he'd been willing to take a risk on its behalf."...
My prediction that someone would argue that Prop 8 "lends credence to the claims that litigation tends to produce a disproportionate backlash" has been proven correct by Megan McArdle. A.
Hysterical predictions aside, Kevin Drum notes that the initiative to overturn the pro-gay-marriage ruling of the California Courts is trailing by nine points. I don't want to be complacent --.