jimmy carter
Jimmy Carter has died. Carter was a pretty bad president and then one of the two greatest ex-presidents, along with John Quincy Adams. He’s become something of a beloved figure.
I may be very critical of Jimmy Carter's presidency, but there's no question that he had one of the great marriages and political partnerships of all time. People forget just.
Carter's 1979 remarks on the occasion of outfitting the White House with solar panels. https://www.youtube.com/embed/VgZc2emYJs8 Think Jimmy might have spent a bit too much time around the solar panels given.
I gave an interview to the Macon Telegraph on Jimmy Carter's environmental legacy. It's my take that Carter is the greatest environmental president in American history. When he passes, I'll.
Jimmy Carter meeting with business leaders asking for help to lower inflation, 1979. This is from the last time American policymakers decided to destroy working class gains in the employment.
I have been forthright and will remain so that Jimmy Carter was a bad president. Let's just say that some liberals will not be happy when my obituary is published..
Jimmy Carter is a good man, but he was a pretty bad president. Don't let nostalgia or his amazing post-presidency get in the way of his poor performance all around..
I am currently on a research trip and am spending most of my days in archives. If you want to know what researching the 70s is like though, this is.