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Will it surprise you that Iowa's pro-child labor law is a complete disaster? No, I don't suppose it will. Iowa businesses have been openly disregarding federal rules about when and how much children can work, and the federal government has taken notice. Who are the...

Another Lab Experiment

In General
On March 1, 2023
Ah yes, the states....... Nearly eight years after the Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage and several months after Congress codified gay nuptials, Iowa legislators proposed banning such unions in their state constitution. “In accordance with the laws of nature and nature’s God, the state of...

Iowa Identity

In General
On December 5, 2022
At the very least, kicking Iowa and its utterly undemocratic and poorly run caucus system out of the first presidential primary spot will have serious benefits for the nation. It will also have benefits for the candidates, as people can stop spending time in Iowa,...

Complete Campaign Incompetence

In General
On April 13, 2022
While I am skeptical of Democrats winning in lily white Iowa anytime soon, Abby Finkenauer should be a great choice to take on Old Man Grassley. Except that her campaign is staffed by complete incompetents and it might lead to her being thrown off the...

The Horrors of Tyson

On December 21, 2020

ProPublica is a gem. Their reporters continually produce perhaps the best investigative journalism in America. Today's drop is a maddening deep dive in Tyson's utter indifference to the workers dropping.

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