Excellent post by Plumer about the challenge to the EPA's authority to issue regulations pertaining to greenhouse gases. If outright denialist arguments don't prevail, they could succeed in getting the regulations made impractical enough that Congress is likely to withdraw authority. (Something they haven't...
executive power
So I'm having trouble reconciling this Ben Wittes: Finally, Spencer might be suggesting that the government should at least be accountable to the public for such a targeting–that is, that.
Now this is interesting, from GC at Pileus: President Cleveland faced a pretty hawkish Congress in 1896 due to the perception of an “intolerable” humanitarian disaster taking place in Cuba.
I don't think it contradicts the text of Matt's post, but it's worth noting that the trend towards unilateral executive power is a question of constitutional norms, as opposed to the text of the Constitution. John Yoo's nonsense notwithstanding, the framers were worried about the...
I have to say, I have mixed emotions about the New York Times's decision to replace Linda Greenhouse with Adam Liptak. I'm afraid it is going to defang him and.
The Washington Post has a story today about Murat Kurnaz, a German man of Turkish origin who wasted away in Guantanamo for four years despite conclusive intelligence reports that he.