Among the many excellent things about the EPA's order to replace all the nation's lead pipes is that not only does it create a healthier and safer America, but it.
I am sure that President Economic Populist Trump will overturn this immediately if he returns to the White House, but I am glad to see action on it for now.
Sure, why not. The Environmental Protection Agency is spending more than $8,500 on challenge coins to congratulate its response to 2017 natural disasters, including the hurricanes that ravaged Texas and.
Thank God Donald Trump won so the corrupt pro-capitalist neoliberal order could finally be defeated! The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has granted a financial hardship waiver to an oil refinery.

What could make me even more disgusted that Trump's EPA suppressing climate scientists? How about the same thing except screwing over my adopted state of Rhode Island and my university?.
Above: Scott Pruitt's Dreams For better or for worse, perhaps the most important strategy for environmental organizations in the last 30 years has been to sue the government to force.

Trump's EPA is making the lives of the children who labor on our farms, which is in itself a legacy of Jim Crow and the inability to get the Fair.
As you may recall: Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt on Friday won Senate confirmation to head the Environmental Protection Agency, a federal agency he repeatedly sued to rein in its.