democratic party
Sarah Jaffe has a really good piece on some of the leftists running for office which is worth reading just to know about these people. But the real plus of.
I don't want to be unfair to Damon Linker's argument here, where he notes the tepidness of the DNC's "Fair Deal" proposal and says that what the party really needs.
I thought this Yglesias piece on the differences between Sanders and Clinton voters was pretty good. Basically they more or less believe the same things, with strikingly few meaningful differences..
I have a long piece in the Boston Review on the complicated relationship between organized labor and the Democratic Party. The basic thesis is that unions have no real choice.
Given the skepticism many LGM commenters consistently express over protest, you may be warmed to note the huge increase in involvement within local Democratic Party politics. All across the country,.
When I hear the mayor of Baltimore coming out against a $15 minimum wage, I hear "please primary me because I listen more to greedy employers than the city's working.
People largely responded positively to my call to do something, anything, but something to fight Trump. Right now, there's a lot of people who want to do nothing but relitigate.
Former Governor TedStrickland at the Athletic Club of Columbus 136 E Broad St on August 6, 2013 speaking on Climate Change. (Columbus Dispatch photo by Tom.