
Bangladesh had lower safety standards than western nation and....that's not OK! A massive fire at a container depot near a port city in southeastern Bangladesh killed at least 49 people,.
Since this blog has decided to interview Yglesias, I wonder what's going on in Bangladesh these days. If you remember back to 2013, Yglesias decided to respond to my call.
In 2013, the Rana Plaza collapsed, killing 1,129 workers making your clothing. No one in America cared. American companies made sure nothing would change. European companies at least agreed to.
It has been 8 years since 1,129 workers died making your clothing at the Rana Plaza factory in Savar, Bangladesh. Americans never did one damn thing about it. Nothing at.
Supply chains exist to maximize profit for western corporations. The easiest ways to increase profit is to lower labor costs and create environmental hazards. Supply chains.
I want to take you back, perhaps in the Wayback Machine, to the lost age of 2013. If we can open the creaky vaults of our memories, we might recall.
With the overall attack on unions in the United States, the ability of the AFL-CIO to engage in international solidarity actions gets harder and harder, as does its ability to.
Why it's almost like we should ask Bangladeshi workers what they want and fight to help them rather than talk about all the great benefits western companies bring to Bangladesh.