DeLong on Global Warming

In General
On July 19, 2004
Responding to libertarian blogger Abiola Lapite, Brad DeLong muses on global warming.... I think that, for most global-warming fearers, it is naivete that makes them advocate an immediate program to attempt to freeze global CO2 concentrations as close to current levels as possible. I can't entirely endorse...


On July 19, 2004


You read the blogs enough and you can get the sense that a good portion of libertarians are thoughtful and sensible (if myopic). This may well be true, but it's.

tort reform

On July 19, 2004


Jesse Taylor addresses what is is sure to be an issue that'll be coming up from now through Nov. 2--how the evil trial lawyers are driving up the cost of health.

How to be a faux-liberal whore

In General
On July 18, 2004
Roger Ailes recently pointed out an embarrassingly stupid op-ed piece by Wan Julliams, in which he complained about how the vacuous lip service with no changes in policy whatsoever offered by George Bush hasn't won him more votes. Anyway, he moved things up another notch today....


In General
On July 17, 2004
I don't know much about British politics, but I have to wonder: If there were an election in the U.K. tomorrow, how many seats would Labour lose to the Lib Dems?  I imagine they'd still have a plurality, but man. The bi-election results were not good, and...

That darn SCLM

On July 17, 2004


A question for those who still cling, against all evidence and reason to the myth of the liberal media: Why is it that Billy Carter and Roger Clinton were covered.


On July 17, 2004


Today  he treats us to a meandering, obvious article about the vacuity of all the 'values' discourse eminating from the Kerry-Edwards campaign. He notes with with some sadness that that.

My Evening

In General
On July 16, 2004
I'd like to thank that venerable franchise, the Cleveland Indians, for two things. First, a display of power hitting the likes of which I've never seen, and may never see again, and second, a crushing death blow to any attempt to sustain serious optimism about the M's young...
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