The Royal Navy effort to outpace the Germans in dreadnought numbers severely taxed the Royal Treasury. The Admiralty reasoned that since it fell to the Royal Navy to protect the.
So I'll meet you at the bottom if there really is oneThey always told me when you hit it you'll know itBut I've been falling so long it's like gravity's.
Some American potential financiers for De Sica's The Bicycle Thief wanted to cast Cary Grant as the male lead. Furthermore, there was a plan for a while to cast Paul.
What's really funny about this is that a significant percentage of Reynolds' readers actually thought there was some chance he would vote for Ford. But this Republican-hatchet-man-posing-as-nonpartisan-"libertarian" schtick does seem.
I generally don't do this kind of thing, but in light of this (see also here) I've removed Feminist Law Professors from my blogroll. I regret this, since it's a.
Lester (my brother in law's cat) and Sophie (my mother in law's dog). What would Rick Santorum think?
The only way to enjoy Jonah's objectively pro-Islamofascist essay is as high comedy. While deconstruction and analysis might yield some mild entertainment, I think it's better just to accept that.
- A Litany of Greats
- The DEI Madness
- By a remarkable coincidence, Donald Trump’s view of the Russian invasion of Ukraine is now exactly the same as Vladimir Putin’s
- Figuring Out the Democratic Party’s Problems
- Setting the Terms for the Negotiation
- Fascist Solidarity
- Editor of most influential Beltway political newsletter: Franklin Delano who now?
- To what extent is MAGA a political movement based on sadism?
- LGM Podcast: Weaponizing InterdepenDANCE
- Erik Visits an American Grave, Part 1,824