2 Ways To Skin A Precedent

In General
On January 10, 2006
For those of you who don't read the long, boring articles, let me briefly summarize why Alito's elevation to the court will be extremely bad for reproductive rights, with links to some more detailed arguments. There are two viable possibilities, and both lead to exactly the...

Whither NATO?

On January 10, 2006


Every session at this conference revolves around the question of what NATO's future should look like. One speaker pointed out that this is not a new question; it has been.


Imperial War Museum

In General
On January 9, 2006
Visited the Imperial War Museum yesterday, before almost passing out. If you like war, imperialism, and museums, accept no substitute.This is the entrance of the IWM. The left gun is from HMS Ramillies, and the right from HMS Resolution. The British 15" was one of the...

And the Kabuki Starts…

In General
On January 9, 2006
Orrin Hatch: we should vote to confirm Alito because...he's a baseball fan. (I admit that it's his best feature.) But you know who else was a big baseball fan? Harry Blackmun! (Although I'd like to think that a list of greats compiled by Alito would include...


On January 9, 2006


For some reason, I wasn't terribly enthusiastic about seeing Capote. I sort of thought it was my duty to see it, but it was mostly based on seeing Hoffman, who.

Bork Alito, Please

In General
On January 8, 2006
A surprisingly tough NYT editorial about Alito which starts well:Judicial nominations are not always motivated by ideology, but the nomination of Judge Samuel Alito certainly was. President Bush's previous choice to fill Justice Sandra Day O'Connor's seat on the Supreme Court, Harriet Miers, was hounded into...

London Calling

On January 8, 2006


9:45am: Arrive at Gatwick. Have never suffered as much turbulence in one flight as the flight from Detroit. On the upside, won the aircraft trivia game three times. 10:00am: Deal.

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