Joltin' Joe Lieberman:"I think we’ve got to be prepared to take aggressive military action against the Iranians to stop them from killing Americans in Iraq," Mr. Lieberman said in an.
Just as warbloggers and other apologists predicted, Middle East dictators walk with shaky knees! Democracy, whiskey, sexy! And surely the installation of an Islamist quasi-state under indefenite American occupation will.
Gulf Times, via Juan Cole:Lieutenant-Colonel Scott Bleichwehl said troops, facing scattered resistance, discovered a factory that produced “explosively formed penetrators” (EFPs), a particularly deadly type of explosive that can destroy.
Via Drum, this seems quite likely right to me:The Revolutionary Guard may also have hoped to sabotage diplomatic negotiations over the nuclear issue. U.S. Undersecretary of State Nicholas Burns said.
David at Danger Room has a couple very good posts on the possible origins of the EFPs being found in Iraq. He points out, as Andrew Cockburn noted last week,.
I have to sympathize with Chris Bertram's comment on Scott McLemee's Solidarity Forever. The post is in reference to McLemee's interview with Danny Postrel at Inside Higher Ed. The substance.
Rodger points to Larry Diamond's op-ed in the LAT about the possibility of war with Iran. We've all learned that it's never sensible to discount the recklessness of this administration,.
Dan Nexon has a good response to my article on Iranian nuclear diplomacy:First, if Iran does achieve an effective nuclear deterrent that might, in fact, make it easier for Iran.